Every day when I pick my children up from school and head for home I like to question them about their day. I never get a running commentary of their day, but I do manage to dig out the usual fine good and yes we were good today out of them.So when I went and picked them up early for a dentist appointment the other day I was shocked and a little horrified to hear my five year old son Grant say he had been sent to talk to the principle.Not sure how to go about this I calmly asked,"Why did you get sent to the principle?"" I was being too noisy." he replied.
Now for those who know his teachers know they are pretty patient. I know this they had my older son last year. He had to have been pretty darn noisy for them to have sent him there. I talked to him about how we need to behave at school and decided I would talk to Rob about it that night. We decided to let it slide ,but Rob the next morning wanted to put a little fear of the principle into him so he told him he needed to be good at school because kids who got sent to the principle too many times were locked into the dungeon underneath the school. Of course they didn't believe him. When I went to pick them up that day I decided to ask Mrs. Batten what he had done. She looked at me shocked and said "I never sent him to the principle."
Thoroughly confused I got in the van and told him what his teacher had said and asked why he had said that. He grinned at me and said, " I was just joking." Now this is not the first story he has ever told.He told my mom once that the scrape he had on his leg was from a cougar biting him. He comes by this storytelling honestly his father is always telling them whopper stories. Everything from the marks on his ear is from being bitten by a snake, the wound on his arm is from a coyote attack and how he fought an alligator once. These are just a few exciting tales that the father they adore is always regaling them. I guess he is just practicing for when he becomes a father, and is gathering his own collection of stories to tell his own young adoring fans someday.